Sandy Steedle is the CASA of CGS Advocate of the Month for April! Sandy joined our team in July of 2016 and immediately accepted a case with five children. When asked if she’d like another advocate to join her on such a large case, she replied that she would be just fine on her own. She wasn’t lying! Sandy has provided so many thorough, insightful well-organized reports to the Court, ultimately leading all five of her children toward permanency. Her Peer Coordinator, Carl, knew she’d be a perfect candidate for Advocate of the Month since the beginning. He says of working with Sandy, “Sandy is my newest advocate, but you wouldn’t know it from the work she has been doing on her case. Sandy really goes “above and beyond.” Because of her dedication, a father and son have been reunited. She was instrumental in guiding the father and making sure that he was aware of what he had to do to make the dreams of this father and son come to fruition. They are now together once again because of Sandy’s work on her very first case.”
Carl goes on to say, “Sandy continues working to insure that the other siblings in this family will one day have permanent placements. Sandy is willing to meet with everyone involved in the lives of the children. She visits the school, she meets with the children and father at the playground, the park, ball fields or anywhere she can to observe the interaction of the children in real-life situations. Her court reports are always done on time and provide an insight into the lives of the children that the judge needs in order to make well-grounded decisions regarding the future of these children. Sandy is a successful first grade teacher and leads a very busy life, but she somehow finds the time to be a first-class advocate.We here at CASA of CGS are very fortunate to have Sandy on our advocate team.”
In addition to the work she does on her own case, Sandy also extends her assistance to other advocates while they navigate the educational plans for their CASA children.
Sandy is a vessel for change. Relentless, yet professional and patient, she exhibits the qualities of a true advocate.
Thank you, Sandy. Your service has touched our lives and the lives of five children. We’re looking forward to working with you for many years to come.