At CASA of CGS, our advocates mean the world to us! They selflessly dedicate their time to be a voice for abused and/or neglected children without ever asking for or seeking recognition in any way. Each advocate has a reason as to why they decided to join the fight against child abuse and be on the front line. Their compassion is incredible. We want to recognize them for their efforts and give our CASA of CGS family an opportunity to meet some of the superheroes we are so fortunate to have as part of our team!

Meet Cynthia Foster!
Cynthia grew up in Pedricktown, a very small town in South Jersey. She always knew that she wanted to work with children, but didn’t realize that it would be in this capacity. In November of 2013, she lost her best friend, her mom, to a 5-year battle with cancer. Cynthia tells us, “Before she passed away, I remember vividly speaking to her about my future goals. She had told me to be happy with what I do, make a difference in lives of others and to always be proud of what I accomplish. When I viewed an advertisement for becoming a CASA advocate I knew this was what I wanted to do.”
She became an advocate in June of 2014, and hasn’t looked back. What started out as compassion quickly turned into a passion within her life, “I make my voice heard within the court while advocating for the best interest of the children I serve. My goal is to make sure that all children have a stable, loving family where they can grow and explore life without fear. Do I accomplish this? I do with the children that I serve on the cases that I represent and hopefully someday I will be able to make even more changes to the lives of other children.”
When she is not advocating, she dedicates her time to her 5-year-old daughter, Olivia, her husband of 15 years, Patrick, and her family and friends. She says, “I enjoy yoga to clear my mind and spending most of the summer in Sea Isle City, New Jersey. Sunday family dinners are a must in my home because during the week life is so busy. This is the time when we can sit down together, talk and laugh.”
We asked Cynthia if she could pinpoint anyone or thing that changed her life, “There are a few people who have changed my life and who have inspired me more than they realize. The first person would be my mom. She inspired me to fight for what I believe is right and to remain strong during tough times. She is with me everyday in spirit. The second person would be my husband. He provides me support and challenges me to overcome barriers in life that I experience. He also supports my beliefs with CASA and enjoys providing a helping hand when necessary. The third person would most definitely be my CASA supervisor, Jennifer Henderson. She has provided knowledge, support, time to talk and discuss my cases and guides me in the right direction whenever I have a question. I have been truly blessed to become a part of the CASA family and my passion becomes stronger each day.”
Cynthia, thank you! Because of you, three children have a voice. You are contributing to the strength of a neglected child’s foundation. They continue to be enveloped with love and support because of your visitations and recommendations. Thank you for sharing your story, Cynthia! CASA of CGS is proud to have you as part of our family! Please continue sharing your motivation and desire to help others! It’s because of amazing individuals like yourself that the children have a voice and a strong role model when looking for support and answers. Thank you for all that you do, not only for CASA of CGS, but for the children we service as well.
Cumberland County ranked last place in Child Welfare in New Jersey. Let’s stand up for our children and do something about it! Visit for more information and follow us on Facebook for daily updates and information.