It’s extremely important to CASA of CGS to recognize those who take the time to go above and beyond for their CASA children, the program and the community as a whole. Each month an advocate is chosen who has demonstrated tenacity, selflessness and an incredible effort in advocating for children.

January’s Advocate of the Month is Joanna Corsino. Joanna joined the CASA of CGS team in March, 2015, and began advocating for four little boys, one a student in our First Star Rowan Academy.
She has worked as hard as she can on the case, making heartfelt recommendations while also being mindful to remain objective. She has thrived as an advocate, accepting support and care from her peer coordinator and taking the lead with confidence.
In addition to advocating, Joanna has also been monumental in the program’s duffle bag project. Joanna collected over 80 brand new duffle bags for children in foster care to prevent them from traveling home to home with trash bags. Each time a CASA advocate is assigned a new case, they are provided with one of the duffle bags full of goodies to warm up their initial meeting and give the child something of their very own for their belongings.
This Christmas season, Joanna went the extra mile again by collecting 37 rolls of wrapping paper and tape to wrap all of the presents received for the CASA children.
Although she never seeks admiration or recognition, her generosity and ginormous heart are what assist the very fibers of success for the CASA program. We adore her and she is a pleasure to work alongside of.
Congratulations, Joanna, you’ve earned it!
