Every day the CASA of CGS team witnesses acts of incredible strength, determination and whole-hearted compassion. The amount of effort advocates put into a case for a child goes beyond physical ability and time. When you pour your heart into your footwork and recommendations, your emotional and mental well-being can suffer. It’s important to remember to take time for yourself to unwind and reflect on the progress you’ve made.

This month CASA of CGS would like to recognize the efforts put forth by one of your fellow advocates, Ramesh Bhai. Ramesh has been an advocate since March of 2014 and has remained on his his original case. Throughout his time with his CASA child, he has worked diligently with the DCP&P caseworker and outside sources to find all of the necessary ways to rebuild the child’s mother for reunification. At one point in the case, reunification appeared to be a guarantee (and although he won’t admit it, these efforts brought great strength to everyone involved with the case). Unfortunately, his case took a negative turn, but he remained faithful as a CASA and fought on. Most recently, he was forced to make the difficult decision of redirecting his recommendations and faced a lot of backlash from the defense attorney in court. We are so proud of Ramesh for standing his ground, believing in what he felt was in the best interest of his CASA child and not wavering from his position. Thankfully, the judge has worked with Ramesh and other CASA advocates and appreciated the work you all do. He dismissed the attorney’s request to turn away Ramesh’s court report and recommendations and explained how important a CASA is to a case. Ramesh, you have went above and beyond more times than we could ever count. You are a blessing to our organization and we are so thankful to have you as part of our family!