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Jun 14, 2022
CASA of CGS, Cornerstone Women's Resource Centers, and DCP&P Partner for Baby Formula Drive
CASA of CGS, Cornerstone Women’s Resources Centers, and NJ DCP&P have joined forces this month to collect baby formula for South Jersey...

Aug 4, 2021
Thank you Fusion Church for donating to our Back-to-School Drive!
Always eager to collaborate with new people and organizations in our community, we are excited to announce a newfound partnership with...

Jul 14, 2021
Thank You Seasons of Giving!
CASA of CGS partnered with Operation SJ and Seasons of Giving to Provide Hygiene Kits to hundreds of local youth in foster care On any...

Jun 30, 2021
Operation South Jersey and CASA of CGS Partner for Back-to-School Drive
CASA of CGS is excited to announce that we have partnered with Operation South Jersey to provide school supplies to foster youth and...

Apr 29, 2020
CASA's Giving Tuesday Campaign: A Treat to the Community
As we adapt to new ways of living while coping with the effects of the coronavirus, we have shifted our means and methods of giving back...

Feb 7, 2018
Foster Care to College: Scholarships for South Jersey Students Awarded by Give Something Back
Lamenting that less than 10 percent of youths in foster care go on to achieve a bachelor’s degree, the South Jersey First Star...

Jan 30, 2018
CASA of CGS Volunteer Changes the Life for 3 South Jersey Kids
Michael, 11, Jennifer, 7 and Amanda, 4, were removed from their mother and placed in a resource home. The resource parent was committed...
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