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Feb 26, 2018
Our January Advocate of the Month is Michelle Adler!
It may be a little bit delayed, but our excitement to introduce the Advocate of the Month for January is just as high as it was when she...

Jan 8, 2018
Advocate of the Month for December is Shirley Green!
Shirley Green has been a CASA advocate since June, 2017. Originally coming to the program for an internship after hearing about CASA...

Dec 1, 2017
Carol Rich is the Advocate of the Month for November!
Carol began her journey with CASA in 2012. Over the course of five years, she has served four children and has provided exceptional,...

Nov 3, 2017
The CASA Advocate for the Month for October is Dorothy Stubblebine!
Dorothy has been an advocate since March, 2015. Poised, professional, reliable, and equipped with one of the largest hearts imaginable,...

Oct 3, 2017
Dot Mason is CASA of CGS Volunteer of the Month for September!
A little over a year ago, we received a phone call from a former advocate saying, “I’m retired and I’m ready.” After taking a refresher...

Sep 11, 2017
Cathy Fox is the Advocate of the Month for August
Cathy is a Salem County advocate who joined the CASA of CGS team in the Fall of 2016. Since being sworn-in, Cathy has served 8 children....

Jul 31, 2017
The CASA advocate of the month for July is Cumberland County advocate, Deena Osmer!
Every day the CASA of CGS team witnesses acts of incredible strength, determination and whole-hearted compassion. The amount of effort...

Jun 28, 2017
Loretta Morris is the CASA of CGS Advocate of the Month for June!
Loretta Morris is the Advocate of the Month for June! Named as the Jesse Kagan Advocate of the Year for 2016, she continues to amaze the...

May 23, 2017
Josh Kelchner CASA Success Story: Focused on Family
Josh Kelchner did everything he could to keep his family together. But it almost wasn’t enough. The oldest of four children, Josh and his...

May 9, 2017
Tim Zoyac is the Advocate of the Month for May
Tim Zoyac is the advocate of the month for May! Tim has been an advocate since October, 2016, and is already on his second case. We...

Apr 6, 2017
Sandy Steedle is the CASA of CGS Advocate of the Month for April!
Sandy Steedle is the CASA of CGS Advocate of the Month for April! Sandy joined our team in July of 2016 and immediately accepted a case...

Mar 6, 2017
Susan Kagan is our CASA of CGS Advocate of the Month for March
Susan Kagan is our CASA of CGS Advocate of the Month for March! Susan has been an advocate since July, 2015. Alongside of her partner...

Feb 6, 2017
The Advocate of the Month for February is Eileen Daniels
The Advocate of the Month for February is Eileen Daniels! CASA of CGS was blessed with Eileen in June, 2016. When you first meet her,...

Jan 11, 2017
Joanna Corsino is the CASA of CGS Advocate of the Month for January!
It’s extremely important to CASA of CGS to recognize those who take the time to go above and beyond for their CASA children, the program...

Dec 12, 2016
Carl Fratz is the CASA of CGS Advocate of the Month for December!
Carl began his journey with CASA in 2013 and has been an incredible addition to our team from the start. While on his cases, Carl would...

Nov 2, 2016
CASA Advocate of the Month for November is, Danielle Bart!
The advocate of the month for November is Danielle Bart. Danielle completed her training this summer during one of our condensed...

Oct 4, 2016
CASA Advocate of the Month for October is, Ashlie Robinson!
The advocate of the month for October is Ashlie Robinson. Ashlie has been a part of the team since March and has already been on three...

Sep 6, 2016
The CASA Advocate of the Month for September is, Michele Musick!
The advocate of the month for September is Michele Musick! Michele has been an advocate since 2013 and became a peer coordinator (PC) in...

Aug 8, 2016
The CASA advocate of the month for August is, Brittany Hostler!
The advocate of the month for August is Brittany Hostler! Brittany has been an advocate since 2015 and has been a blessing since she...

Jul 25, 2016
The CASA advocate of the month for July is Gloucester County advocate, Melissa Tagye!
The CASA advocate of the month for July is Gloucester County advocate, Melissa Tagye! Melissa has been an advocate since 2012. Her...
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