To advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in the court system by recruiting, training, and supporting dedicated volunteers.
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem Counties, Inc. (Vicinage XV) opened its doors to Cumberland County on July 1, 2004, and has since expanded to include Gloucester and Salem Counties.
We are currently serving approximately 100 children.
There are over 949 local CASA programs and state organization in operation nationally, with more than 70,000 advocates serving as CASA volunteers. In New Jersey, there are over 1,500 CASA volunteers!
CASA of CGS is affiliated with National CASA/GAL Association and CASA of New Jersey.

Statistics taken from the National CASA Association website
Are half as likely to re-enter foster care
Are more likely to be adopted
Have more services ordered for them
Do better in school
CASA of Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem Counties has 50 active volunteers who come from all walks of life. They span all age ranges starting with age 21. Some are just beginning in the workforce, and others are retired.
Over half our volunteers work full-time and have families. Some have backgrounds in the criminal justice system, social work, or child welfare. Other volunteers have no such experience at all.